Castlevania Adventure Rebirth Link

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth
Basic Information
Video Game
Retail Features
Play Information
Main Credits
Toshiyasu Kamiko, Akihiro Minakata and Keisuke Koga
Koji Igarashi
Manabu Namiki
European Release Date(s)
February 26, 2010
North American Release Date(s)
December 28, 2009[1]
Australian Release Date(s)
February 26, 2010
Japanese Release Date(s)
October 27, 2009[2]
Awards Changelog Cheats Codes Codex
Compatibility Covers Credits DLC Help
Localization Manifest Modding Patches
Ratings Reviews Screenshots Soundtrack
Videos Walkthrough

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirthDracula Densetsu ReBirth?, The Legend of Dracula ReBirth[3]) is a side-scrolling actionplatform game developed by M2, and released by Konami for the Wii in 2009 as a WiiWare title. It is currently available in Japan, North America, Europe, and Australia. Based on the 1989Game Boy title Castlevania: The Adventure, it is the third game in M2's ReBirth series, following Gradius ReBirth and Contra ReBirth.

Lalitha sahasranamam audio

The setting of the game takes place a century before the original Castlevania title, where the player controls an ancestor of Simon Belmont named Christopher Belmont, who must defeat the vampire Dracula.[4]

Castlevania Adventure Rebirth Link

Gameplay[editedit source]

The Adventure ReBirth consists of six areas that the player has to complete in order to finish the game. Toward the end of each area is a boss the player has to defeat before advancing to the next stage.[5]

  • Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth is a side-scrolling action platform game developed by M2, and released by Konami for the Wii in 2009 as a WiiWare title.
  • Source: Wikipedia, 'Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth', available under the CC-BY-SA License. Toward the end of each area is a boss the player has to defeat before advancing to the next stage. The player's main weapon for attacking in-game enemies is a whip, which can upgraded by collecting orbs.
  • Aug 18, 2017  Sony's Clever but Flawed PlayStation Copy Protection--And How They Might Have Fixed It - Duration: 14:15. Technology Connections 2,769,821 views.
  • If Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth was a sitcom, it’d be shot with four cameras and sport a laugh-track and Tony Danza in a starring role. That’s why ReBirth feels fresh today, oddly enough.

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirth, Dorakyura Densetsu Ribāsu, The Legend of Dracula ReBirth) is a side-scrolling action platform game developed by M2, and released by Konami for the Wii in 2009 as a WiiWare title. Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirth, Dracula Densetsu ReBirth?, The Legend of Dracula ReBirth) is a side-scrolling action platform game developed by M2, and released by Konami for the Wii in 2009 as a WiiWare title.

The player's main weapon for attacking in-game enemies is a whip, which can upgraded by collecting orbs. The last upgrade lets the player shoot fire from Christopher's whip for a short duration.[4] Unlike the original Adventure title for the Game Boy, there are sub-weapons which are powered with items called hearts. There are five sub-weapons and each has a different use.[5]

Audio[editedit source]

Dimana tempat donload game atlantiva offlene. The game's soundtrack was composed by Manabu Namiki, who worked on the other titles in the ReBirth series. The music consists of remixes of previous Castlevania songs.[6]

The official album was released on March 24, 2010 in a compilation with Contra ReBirth's music.[7]

Track listing

Disk 1
#Japanese title (Romanization)English titleLength
01.Start BGM[タイトル] (「ドラキュラ伝説」より)Start BGM [Title] (From 'Dracula Densetsu')0:11
02.マップ[デモ](「悪魔城ドラキュラ XX」より)Map [Demo] (From 'Akumajō Dracula XX')1:05
03.Reincarnated Soul[1面](「バンパイアキラー」より)Reincarnated Soul [Stage 1] (From 'VAMPIRE KILLER')2:22
04.Gauntlet[中ボス]Gauntlet [Mini-Boss]1:54
05.悪魔たちに送るララバイ[2面](アーケード「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)A Lullaby Sent to the Devils [Stage 2] (From Arcade 'Akumajō Dracula')2:32
06.New Messiah[3面](「ドラキュラ伝説Ⅱ」より)New Messiah [Stage 3] (From 'Dracula Densetsu II')2:32
07.Load BGM[4面](X68000「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)Load BGM [Stage 4] (From X68000 'Akumajō Dracula')2:35
08.Aquarius[5面](「悪魔城伝説」より)Aquarius [Stage 5] (From 'Akumajō Densetsu')2:32
09.最後の戦い[ボス](アーケード「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)The Final Battle [Boss] (From Arcade 'Akumajō Dracula')1:19
10.面クリア[面クリア](ファミリーコンピュータ「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)Stage Clear [Stage Clear] (From FAMILY COMPUTER 'Akumajō Dracula')0:08
11.Vampire Killer[6面](ファミリーコンピュータ「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)Vampire Killer [Stage 6] (From FAMILY COMPUTER 'Akumajō Dracula')1:40
12.Riddle[ラスボス](「悪魔城伝説」より)Riddle [Last Boss] (From 'Akumajō Densetsu')2:00
13.ステージクリア[全面クリア](スーパーファミコン「悪魔城ドラキュラ」より)Stages Clear [All Stages Clear] (From SUPER FAMICOM 'Akumajō Dracula')0:15
14.The End Of the Day[エンディング](「ドラキュラ伝説Ⅱ」より)The End Of the Day [Ending] (From 'Dracula Densetsu II')3:02
15.Player Out[ミス](スーパーファミコン「悪魔城ドラキュラXX」より)Player Out [Miss] (From SUPER FAMICOM 'Akumajō Dracula XX')0:06
16.ゲームオーバー[ゲームオーバ](「悪魔城ドラキュラXX」より)Game Over [Game Over] (From 'Akumajō Dracula XX')0:13
17.魂斗羅[タイトル](「魂斗羅」より)CONTRA [Title] (From 'CONTRA')0:09
18.ALIEN'S DEN[デモ](「魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア」より)ALIEN'S DEN [Demo] (From 'CONTRA THE HARD CORPS')2:39
19.PLAYER SELECT[キャラセレクト](「Contra Force」より)PLAYER SELECT [Character Select] (From 'Contra Force')1:06
20.密林の戦い[ステージ1](「魂斗羅」より)Jungle Battle [Stage 1] (From 'CONTRA')2:37
21.HOTTER THAN HELL[ボスA](「スーパー魂斗羅」より)HOTTER THAN HELL [Boss A] (From 'SUPER CONTRA')2:01
22.凱旋1[ステージクリア](「魂斗羅」より)Triumphant Return 1 [Stage Clear] (From 'CONTRA')0:06
23.IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE[ステージ2](「魂斗羅スピリッツ」より)IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE [Stage 2] (From 'CONTRA SPIRITS')2:53
24.コントラArea2 BGM[ステージ3](ゲームボーイ「コントラ」より)CONTRA Area 2 BGM [Stage 3] (From GAME BOY 'CONTRA')2:36
25.GTR ATTACK![ボスB](「魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア」より)GTR ATTACK! [Boss B] (From 'CONTRA THE HARD CORPS')2:31
27.DEATHBED[ステージ4B](「スーパー魂斗羅」より)DEATHBED [Stage 4B] (From 'SUPER CONTRA')2:54
28.戦慄の鼓動[ステージ5](「魂斗羅」より)Horrible Heartbeat [Stage 5] (From 'CONTRA')2:20
29.LAST SPRINGSTEEN[最終ボス](「魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア」より)LAST SPRINGSTEEN [Last Boss] (From 'CONTRA THE HARD CORPS')2:18
31.ゲームオーバー[ゲームオーバ](「魂斗羅」より)Game Over [Game Over] (From 'CONTRA')0:10
32.ドラキュラ伝説ReBirth Another MedleyDracula Densetsu ReBirth Another Medley5:14
33.魂斗羅ReBirth Another MedleyContra ReBirth Another Medley5:08

Reception[editedit source]

Review scores

The Adventure ReBirth garnered positive reviews. It has a Metacritic score of 78% based on 22 critic reviews, and 81.40% on GameRankings with 20 critic reviews.

References[editedit source]

  1. NintendoWare Weekly: Castlevania ReBirth, Pilotwings, Oregon Trail Joystiq
  2. ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirth
  3. (1992) Album notes for Perfect Selection Dracula ~New Classic~. King Records Co., Ltd.
  4. 4.04.1Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. : Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth
  5. 5.05.1Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth Review - Wii Review at IGN
  6. Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth screens pop up- Destructoid
  7. ドラキュラ伝説ReBirth & 魂斗羅ReBirth オリジナルサウンドトラック : KONAMIのショッピングサイト コナミスタイル(konamistyle)

External links[editedit source]

  • Dracula Densetsu ReBirth at Konami
  • Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth at Konami(English)

Castlevania Adventure Rebirth

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