Michal Zalewski Silence On The Wire

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This item: Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks by Michal Zalewski Paperback CDN$ 54.48 In stock on January 3, 2019. Ships from and sold by Amazon.ca. Silence on the Wire by Michal Zalewski Stay ahead with the world's most comprehensive technology and business learning platform. With Safari, you learn the way you learn best.

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Preview — Silence on the Wire by Michal Zalewski

There are many ways that a potential attacker can intercept information, or learn more about the sender, as the information travels over a network. Silence on the Wire uncovers these silent attacks so that system administrators can defend against them, as well as better understand and monitor their systems.
Silence on the Wire dissects several unique and fascinating securit
Published April 22nd 2005 by No Starch Press (first published January 1st 2005)
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Hacker nonfiction
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Amazon 2008-07-12, recommendation from a friend.
An InfoSec book with truly new perspectives, let alone detailed technique, is one of the world's great rarities -- we Defenders of the True Faith, protecting the Internet and her citizens, normally must scour the academic literature, hunt down the deep Webs running on zombied machines for the lancing, draining, and strip-mining of information on Romanian, Russian, and Chinese efforts, and perform our own small researches and inquisitions under nigh
Apr 01, 2009Alexei rated it it was amazing
Shelves: made-of-awesome, programming, technology-internet
Silence on the Wire provides fascinating insight into security - rather than discussing the traditional security issues, rooted largely in implementation bugs, it discusses how the design of the fundamental protocols and technologies of the Internet creates room for subtle and sophisticated uses above and beyond what their designers intended.
Oct 12, 2007Nick rated it it was amazing
This is probably the best-written guide to how networks and operating systems themselves work, and how knowledge of how these things do what they do in their own special way reveals much about what specifically is doing the talking. If that makes any sense. I loved it.
Absolutely fantastic book, a great survey of network analysis and passive reconnaissance. Zalewski's insights are ingenious. A definite must read for anyone studying network security.
Silence on the Wire's topic, passive listening to determine the information processed by a system, has never been more topical than now.
I was looking forward to reading a book that illustrates some of these attack vectors and maybe some feasible usage and defence scenarios.
In reality though, this book is about 80% basic computer science and 20% computer security. The strange things is that most of the basic computer science is pretty irrelevant to the actual attacks which are described at a high
Jul 23, 2017Jarek rated it really liked it
I came in a little skeptical: it's a book from 2005, and I already knew how Ethernet works and why you should make sure your encryption runs in constant time. But this was legitimately an interesting read, with many points and takeaways still interesting and applicable in 2017. If the idea of _understanding_ what the computer is doing -- and what implications that has on all kinds of security -- appeals to you, it's a book for you.
An awesome book. I understood quite a bit about TCP/IP, what can be learned from modem lights, and why my dial-up modem made those funny noises, all these years ago. A lot can be learned about a network by only listening, and this book shows how.
One of the best hacking books I have ever read. Absolutely mandatory for infosec professionals and hackers.

Author Michal Zalewski is respected in the hacking and security communities for hisn intelligence, curiosity and creativity, and this book is truly unlike anything else.n Silence on the Wire is no humdrum white paper or how-to manual for protectingn one's network. Rather, this narrative explores a variety of unique, uncommon andn often elegant security challenges that defy classification and eschew the traditionaln attacker-victim model.

There are many ways that a potential attacker can inte

..moreMichal Zalewski Silence On The Wire
Despite the fact that this book is a little old as for the IT book about security, it is still an interesting read. Different look at security problems

Michal Zalewski Silence On The Wireless

Oct 20, 2017André rated it it was amazing
Shelves: aged-outdated, comp-swtest-infosec, computing, comp-networks, comp-hardware-lowlev, comp-unconventional, lang-en, non-fiction, classics, comp-data-anlys-optm

Michal Zalewski Silence On The Wire

Kurzweilige Darstellung unkonventionellen Denkens und des kreativen Umgangs mit Informationstechnik, auch unabhängig davon, ob die konkreten Anwendungsbeispiele noch relevant sind (manche sind es, viele waren es zwischen 1997-2004). Die Ansätze, um von einem Gegner unbeabsichtigte Auskünfte über ein Zielobjekt zu gewinnen, sind übertragbar: Unaufmerksame Entwickler, unvollständige Spezifikationen, kryptoanalytische Naivität und logische Fortgänge b
This book is probably one of my favorite books on security. Many security books rehash old topics that have almost been covered time and time again but this one does not. Fortunately, Michal Zalewski takes a very interesting approach to security. It is a very unique book because he takes a look at security vulnerabilities that involve passive reconnaissance. I really enjoyed learning about typing timing patterns, the blinking light vulnerability on modems and parasitic storage (and computing) we..more
Jun 10, 2016Julio Biason rated it it was ok
This is a book about passive detection. Or active detection. Or attacks. I really don't know, because the subject keeps jumping around so much you have no idea the point the author wants to make.
There are plenty explanations for stuff, but mostly is dumbed down to the point it doesn't even make sense. Besides that, you have explanations for attacks that sounds really scary/cool (depending on your point of view) but after you think a bit about it, it is really hard to execute and, with the necess
Zalewski is renowned throughout the InfoSec industry for simply being incredible and bringing many new ways of thinking to the industry through his research.
In 'Silence on the Wire', Zalewksi discusses security vulnerabilities and methods of attack that are simply mind-boggling. Although I've been in InfoSec for quite some time and there are areas of repetition for me, much of the book was fascinating and thought-provoking, from both a defender and attacker mindset.
The one downside is that the b
Aug 22, 2007Ivan rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: hackers, network security folks, people interested in online privacy
Genius work focusing on passive recon, and not a very hard read either. The explanation of the thoughts and discoveries behind his ideas is easily as interesting as the real-life examples of how they can be used. If you're trying to protect someone's data, you really NEED to understand what Zalewski has to say. And if you think your data can truly be secure, just try to understand, that is not the world we live in today..
I bought this book for myself at HOPE 2006, but it was so good I gave it t
May 04, 2016Nina rated it it was amazing
This book focusses on security flaws that exist because of the way something was designed. They may not all be the most commonly exploited flaws, since some aren't so practical to take advantage of, but they sure are interesting to learn about. The book starts right within the heart of the computer and expands all the way out to the internet as a whole. It is less of a practical guide in that it neither really tells you how to exploit something, or how to protect you against said exploit, it mer..more
I read this right after Zalewski got hired by Google as their web security guru. He has good perspective on security engineering and it is reflected in the pages of this book. As we obsess over the things we can see and secure, this book takes the approach of understanding the people, not very unlike Art of Deception in ages past. Not all the vectors are going to be obvious but you need to anticipate them.
It is a bit dated, and it will only get more so, but it only means you need to read it as soon as possible. For me it's a good example that an author can get in-depth about a technical subject and keep it interesting at all times. It really gave me some new insights about networking and it-sec. Solid recommendation!
Well another book finished that I have on my 'to-read-urgently' shelf since, well, I don't remember.
The only problem is that in the while most of the stuff is REALLY outdated, but still a pleasant read.
Oct 02, 2012Takedown rated it really liked it
A bit dated but still interesting book about cool low level tricks. I was especially fascinated about first part of the book and those hardware hacks.
I love the way the author describes the ways in which information that is sent through networks becomes vulnerable to attacks or surveillance.
Poor structure and poorly written as well as a lot of content which was last relevant in 1997.
A great generalist's introduction to the ways information can leak from a system, especially as that system's design becomes more complex.
Apr 29, 2009Andy Magnusson rated it it was amazing
A fantastic and readable overview of a wide range of passive reconnaissance techniques, mixed with a good dose of computing history.
Kamil Grabowski rated it it was amazing
Nov 15, 2016
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Flavio Villanustre writes “While looking for some interesting read for the summer, I’ve stumbled across a book written by Michal Zalewski named “Silence on the wire: a field guide to passive reconnaissance and indirect attacks”, from No Starch Press.

Michal Zalewski Silence On The Wire Lyrics

Michal Zalewski, also known as lcamtuf in the security community, is best known for being the author of p0f, a passive OS fingerprinting tool, and the researcher behind many vulnerabilities findings. One of his most unusual projects was the no longer maintained museum of broken packets.

Sure this book constitutes an interesting reading: passive reconnaissance is in its infancy and, while there are some applications that already make good use of it, its potential is mostly unexplored.”

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