Pink Floyd Patch Kurzweil K2600 No Sound

  1. Kurzweil K2600 Service Manual
  2. Kurzweil K2600xs Review
  1. I remember reading in the excellent Bob Moog book 'Analog Days' that since Pink Floyd were so financially secure, they would buy multiples of every synth, particularly minimoogs, that they would use each one as a single preset so to speak so they wouldn't have to worry about recalling the sound from patch sheets etc.
  2. Kurzweil K2600 series - Kustom Set libreria suoni patches samples. This soundpack has been created with the aim to provide you professional patches to play cover songs inspired by bands Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, Queen etc: pianos.
  3. Pink Floyd Synth Sounds. There is no such thing really as a Pink Floyd sound but what does exist is how Pink Floyd incorporated even rather ordinary sounds in a very interesting and Pink Floyd way. It is much more about the art of how synth sounds are used in Pink Floyd tracks. My AN1X has got a 'Pink Floyd 75' patch which is almost.

I'm pretty sure we've got at least one forumite on here who uses a Kurzweil in a Pink Floyd tribute, so they may be able to help if they see this thread. In the 90's PF covered the non-organ sounds with the Kurzweil K2000/K2500/K2600 models. If you check the 'Pulse' video you see that both Jon Carin and Ricky Wright used them and Ricky. 'No, I played Kurzweil this time. As you say I often played Minimoog in the past. And 'No, I think it was one of the preset sounds on a copy of the ROM which was Kurzweil's accessory. Or maybe I used other sound module in the end. I can't remember how the patches were. The sound can be both full and/or bright, with separate controls for high, high-mid and low-cut EQ. The amazing quality of the on-board compressor and Kurzweil's powerful, precise sculpting tools allowed me produce a piano with a lot of punch when needed without losing subtlety and richness. (No external or KORE64 samples used.). • David Etheridge's Sound-on-Sound Retrozone review of the 1000-Series and provides a historical perspective on the Kurzweil range of keyboards. • Provides sounds to download for the Ketron X1 & SD1, Korg Triton and Kurzweil 2xxx keyboards. Download Pink Floyd Patch Kurzweil free. KURZWEIL K2600-2661 PINK FLOYD COLLECTION MKII by S4K.

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Kurzweil K2000R (rackmount version of the K2000)
image - Matt Perry - lic. under CC 3.0

Kurzweil K2000 - Overview:

The Kurzweil K2000 series of synthesizer workstations were a legendary breed of digital synth spanning the 1990's and the early2000's. The Kurzweil K2000 was released in 1990 and introduced the company's 'V.A.S.T.' (Variable Architecture Synthesis Technology)technology, a powerful synth architecture capable of in-depth sonic manipulation.

Combined with the company's high quality sound set (including some of the best piano and orchestral sounds around at the time),multi-timbrality, polyphony and high audio quality, the K2000 series became an 'industry standard' for high-end studios and film scoreproducers. It was possible for composers to design and sketch a complete 'score' on the Kurzweil, and the K2000 series machines had greatappeal for these reasons.

However, the K2000s didn't just do orchestral type stuff. They also featured sampling, and some sonic manipulation tools that were onlyfound on powerful hardware-based computer sound design systems prior to that time. For example, the Kurzweils featured a large set ofmathematical function algorithms which could be applied as control sources for many parameters.

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The functions could even be applied to other functions, enabling users to create chaotic parameters which could be applied to almost anyother contol in the machine, such as an LFO. The mathematical functions were highly advanced for many users, but for those who were able towrap their brain around them, they offered unique sonic possibilities that were simply beyond those of many other synths around at thetime.

The K2000 series models had several variations, denoted with letters added after the model number - the K2000 / K2500 / etc with no addedletter was the keyboard version, R (rackmount version), S (sampling included), X (expanded) and RS (rackmount version with samplingincluded). The series included the K2000 (released in 1990), K2500 (released in 1996), K2600 (released in 1999) and K2661 (released in2004).

The last K2000 series machines were discontinued in 2008, and was followed up by the PC3 series which are in production at the current time(2010). The PC3 series builds upon the V.A.S.T. system with a more advanced, dynamic system that allows greater freedom of programmability,includes a Virtual Analog synth architecture, and allowing 32 layers of DSP instead of the 3 of the K2000 series. The PC3s are fairly wellbackward compatible with the older machines, meaning that much of the material created on the older Kurzweil K2XX machines will work on thePC3s. (Source )

Kurzweil K2000 pic

Kurzweil K2000
(image - Matt Perry under CCA-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)

Kurzweil K2000 series Reviews:

Kurzweil K2000 Version3.0 Software Upgradereview (Sound On Sound, Feb 1995)
Kurzweil K2500R Rack review (Sound OnSound, Oct 1995)
Kurzweil K2500/K2500X Workstationreview (Sound On Sound, April 1996)
Kurzweil K2000VP review (Sound On Sound,Sept 1998)
Kurzweil K2600X Keyboard Workstation review(Sound On Sound, April 2000)
Kurzweil K2661 review (Sound On Sound, May2004)

Kurzweil K2000 Resources and other links:

Kurzweil Music Systems Official Web Site
Kurzweil Official K2000 Page - includes Manualsand other useful files
Kurzweil Official K2500 Page
Kurzweil Official K2500R Page
Kurzweil Official K2500X Page
Kurzweil Official K2600 / K2600S Page
Kurzweil Official K2600R / K2600RS Page
Kurzweil Official K2600X / K2600XS Page
Kurzweil Official K2661 Page
Kurzweil K2000 on Wikipedia

Kurzweil K2000 Manuals:

Pink Floyd Patch Kurzweil K2600 No Sound

(see Kurzweil official pages, linked above, for manuals)

Kurzweil K2600 Service Manual

Kurzweil K2000 Videos:

Kurzweil K2000 demo with good sound quality

Some great complex sounds on the K2000R, good stuff.

No Kurzweil demo collection would be complete without a demo of the piano sounds!

I coudn't resist this one - Pink Floyd's 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' played on the K2600X - enjoy!

Kurzweil K2600xs Review

Kurzweil k2600 xs